Akbank Mobile App - 2PX


2PX featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Akbank Mobile

The new design of the Akbank Mobile app provides a new perspective in terms of social, smart, future-proof and rewarding banking experience. With the personalized area design on the main page, users can view smart insights to ease their financial life. Also, with this new design approach, traditional banking transactions speak the users' language with contact thumbnails visuals, simplified actions flows and concepts.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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